What’s on this week!
Tuesday 25th March
Church Prayers
Time: 4.30 pm
Location: Zoom (Contact the office for the link)
About: We pray together for St Mary's on a Tuesday afternoon. You are more than welcome to join us. For more information or to get the zoom link, please email the office.
Leader: Ulrike Hunt
Wednesday 26th March
Welcome Wednesday
Time: 10.30am - 1.30pm
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: The church is open every Wednesday for all to come and spend time in our incredible building. There is a short service at 11pm.
Service leader: Anne Adams
Alpha Course
Time: 11.30am - 12.30pm
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: The Alpha course is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment, and you should come to explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith, connect with others, and ask deep questions without pressure. All are welcome, just turn up.
Service leader: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
Thursday 27th March
Impact Youth Group
Time: 5pm-7.00pm
Location: In the Underground @ St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: Are you in school years 7-13*? Then you’re welcome to join us at IMPACT! for 2 hours of games and activities, and also chatting about the things that matter to us. Will we see you there?!
Contact: youth@stmarysluton.org
*year 6’s are invited from the Easter term unless an agreement has been made otherwise.
Deeper Impact
Time: 4.30pm-5pm
Location: In the Underground @ St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: Want to learn more about scripture and what it means to us today? Deeper Impact is for those in school years 7-13* that want to delve into the Bible. In this group we take a piece of scripture and discuss in a safe manner the meaning and impact of this on our lives.
Contact: youth@stmarysluton.org
*year 6’s are invited from the easter term.
Sunday 30th March
The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Holy Communion
Time: 9 am
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
Service Leader: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
Preacher: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
About: Mothering Sunday
Morning Worship with Thanksgiving
Time: 10.30 am
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
Service Leader: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
Preacher: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
About: Mothering Sunday
Monday 31st March
Music on Mondays
Time: 7.30pm
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
Performance: Moonrakers Celtic Music & OXUS String Quartet
About: A programme tracing the connections between Vaughan Williams and the folk tradition that so inspired him. Eight superb musicians offer traditional songs alongside art music for string quartet, including the Phantasy Quintet and Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus. Dance students from Luton Sixth Form College will also perform.
Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)
Tuesday 1st April
Church Prayers
Time: 4.30 pm
Location: Zoom (Contact the office for the link)
About: We pray together for St Mary's on a Tuesday afternoon. You are more than welcome to join us. For more information or to get the zoom link, please email the office.
Leader: Ulrike Hunt
Wednesday 2nd April
Welcome Wednesday
Time: 11.00am - 12:30pm
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: Join us for a short service at 11pm.
Service leader: Cathy Nobles
Alpha Course
Time: 11.30am - 12.30pm
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: The Alpha course is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment, and you should come to explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith, connect with others, and ask deep questions without pressure. All are welcome, just turn up.
Service leader: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
16+ Student Group
Time: 5pm - 6.30pm
Location: Adam’s House
About: Our 16+ student group welcomes anyone between the ages of 16 and 23. Here we will be discussing life changes as people navigate sixth form or university as well as looking at scripture and what this means in our lives. Dinner is included.
Leader: Adam Whiting
Thursday 3rd April
Impact Youth Group
Time: 5pm-7.00pm
We will be eating together today
Location: In the Underground @ St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: Are you in school years 7-13*? Then you’re welcome to join us at IMPACT! for 2 hours of games and activities, and also chatting about the things that matter to us. Will we see you there?!
Contact: youth@stmarysluton.org
*year 6’s are invited from the Easter term unless an agreement has been made otherwise.
Youth Band Practice
Time: TBC
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
About: Are you a young person in the youth ministry and musically talented? Do you love to share God’s love through the power of Worship? Why not join our amazing youth band and lead our congregation to encounter the Lord… For more information, email the youth team on the email below.
Contact: youth@stmarysluton.org
Sunday 6th April
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Hymns & Label Sunday
Time: 9 am
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
Service Leader: Revd. Chris Adams
Preacher: Chukwuemeka Amadi
About: TBC
All Age and Label Sunday
Time: 10.30 am
Location: St Mary’s Church, Luton
Service Leader: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
Preacher: Revd. Canon Mike Jones
About: TBC