Young Church
What happens on a Sunday?
Families begin their worship time together at St. Mary’s church on a Sunday morning at 10.30 and the children attending groups in the hall can be registered at the church entrance.
When directed, parents will guide their children to the main hall in the church extension.
Parents will be asked to check-in their children for the session, collect a pass and then rejoin the service in the main church.
Towards the end of the service the children will return to The Wenlock Chapel and parents are invited to collect their children and hand their pass back to the children’s leaders.
Children in year 5 and above can return to their parents unattended (see Young Church leaders for permission slip)
Under 3’s
There is a meeting room through The Wenlock Chapel, down the steps on the right. The service is live streamed to this room with toys for 0-3s.
There are also activity bags available from the back of church and children are welcome to stay in the service.
Sparklers 3-5’s
Meet in the Hall.
Fuse 6-11's
Meet in the Hall
Sparklers and Fuse are currently meeting as one group
Also on a Sunday
Calming Corner
This is a space where parents and carers and children with special educational needs and disabilities can have some space to relax. This is a new idea so let us know if you have any feedback on this, we would love to hear from you.
All-Together Service
On the first Sunday of each month the families join together for an All Age Sunday Service in the church.
Parents and carers of 0-3’s are welcome to enjoy the play space for this service.
Other resources…
There are lots of great resources to help your child learn more about their faith. Here are some of our favourites:
Volunteer Opportunities in Young Church:
Pray for the young Church leaders
Pray for the children that they may grow strong spiritually in their faith and walk with Jesus
Pray for the planning and teaching and a programme that is effective
Pray for protection and safety for the leaders and children
Helping & Serving
Join the team – There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, eg. registration, preparing crafts, listening, games, being supportive
Learn together and have fun
Our safeguarding policy can be viewed on our Policies page.