Music on Monday Concert - Moonrakers Celtic Music & OXUS String Quartet

Music on Monday Concert - Moonrakers Celtic Music & OXUS String Quartet

A programme tracing the connections between Vaughan Williams and the folk tradition that so inspired him.  Eight superb musicians offer traditional songs alongside art music for string quartet, including the Phantasy Quintet and Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus.  Dance students from Luton Sixth Form College will also perform. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Madeleine Mitchell & Nigel Clayton

Music on Monday Concert - Madeleine Mitchell & Nigel Clayton

This programme for violin and piano will feature a new work by much admired local composer James Wilson, My Love is Sleeping.  The players also perform César Franck’s passionate Romantic sonata alongside anniversary works by Maurice Ravel who was born 150 years ago. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Maundy Thursday Meal & Footwashing

Maundy Thursday Meal & Footwashing

We will get together on Maundy Thursday to eat together and have a service of footwashing.

Thursday 17 April, 6 pm in the church hall

Food will be provided (it is NOT a bring and share meal on this occasion). A donation towards the food will be appreciated on the night.

It is essential that you book a place for everyone in your family who is coming - places are limited.
Please also let us know what your dietary restrictions are.

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Good Friday - Walk of Witness & Planting of the Cross.

Good Friday - Walk of Witness & Planting of the Cross.

Starting at Central Baptist Church (Park Street) for hot cross buns, join us for our Good Friday Walk of Witness. We carry the cross from Central Baptist to the town hall where there will be a devotion led by the New Testament Church of God. We will then carry the cross to St Mary’s churchyard where there will be another short service outdoors and the cross raised in the churchyard where it will remain until Pentecost.

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Children's Easter Activates

Children's Easter Activates

We will be doing a special Good Friday Activity for children! We will have a time of worship, short lesson about Good Friday, fun, crafts, games, and cookie decorating! We hope to see you there!

Children under seven years old must be accompanied by adults, all ages welcomed!

Tea and Coffee will be provided for parents/caregivers & volunteers.

Registration Required!

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Easter Dawn Service

Easter Dawn Service

Join us at dawn on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. There is a short service and free Bacon Butties for anyone who attends.

*PLEASE NOTE This service IS AT 5.30am! (Not 6.30am like our publicity says)

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Easter Sunday Celebration service

Easter Sunday Celebration service

Please join us for our Sunday Celebration service.

*PLEASE NOTE: The time service starts at 10am.

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Music on Monday Concert - Sacconi String Quartet & Simon Callaghan

Music on Monday Concert - Sacconi String Quartet & Simon Callaghan

The internationally celebrated Sacconi quartet combine with Simon Callaghan in two great chamber works for piano and strings.  They play the Franck Quintet and in celebration of this year’s anniversaries they also perform the Piano Quartet by Arthur Bliss and Maurice Ravel’s String Quartet. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - The Kaleidoscope Band

Music on Monday Concert - The Kaleidoscope Band

From day to night – a concert of pieces inviting the listener on a 24 hour musical journey.  Five virtuoso musicians, on baroque and classical violin, viola d’amore, recorders, viola da gamba, theorbo and baroque guitar, offer a programme of Morley, Marais, Telemann, Purcell and Vivaldi. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - English Chamber Choir & Rufus Frowde

Music on Monday Concert - English Chamber Choir & Rufus Frowde

An evening of exquisite choral music, conducted by Rufus Frowde and accompanied by organist Richard Hills.  Flights of Angels will include ethereal music by Jonathan Dove, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Christos Hatzis and Eric Whitacre.  BirdSongs by local composer Richard Sisson completes the programme. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Benjamin Frith & Heidi Rolfe

Music on Monday Concert - Benjamin Frith & Heidi Rolfe

An evening of delightful music for four hands at one piano.  Alongside Ravels’ Mother Goose Suite, the programme includes Pieces in the Shape of a Pear by another of our anniversary composers Erik Satie.  With Mozart, Bizet and Mel Bonis this will be a most entertaining concert of piano duets. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Greenwich Trio & Boris Bizjak

Music on Monday Concert - Greenwich Trio & Boris Bizjak

The Greenwich Trio returns to Luton after a most memorable concert here in 2024.  This time they are joined by flautist Boris Bizjak in a programme including the Piano Trio by Fanny Mendelssohn and music by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor in honour of the 150th anniversary of his birth. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Bedfordshire Youth Opera Gala

Music on Monday Concert - Bedfordshire Youth Opera Gala

Young singers from Bedfordshire offer a wide-ranging concert programme of operatic highlights.  This will include music by Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, Sullivan and Jonathan Dove.  A showcase for the finest emerging musical talent in our area – free entry with a retiring collection to raise money for Bedfordshire Youth Opera. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Soirée I

Music on Monday Concert - Soirée I

This is the first of two Soirées in this 2025 season.  These are shared recitals, presented by a range of talented young artists.  This one features virtuoso guitarist Jack Hancher and cellist Hugo Svedberg, a finalist from BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2024.  Poetry readings will also be a part of this recital. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Berkeley Ensemble

Music on Monday Concert - Berkeley Ensemble

Long-standing friends of Music on Mondays, the Berkeley Ensemble returns to Luton with a line-up of flute, clarinet, soprano, harp and strings.  Their typically imaginative programme includes anniversary music from Luciano Berio (Sequenza IXa for clarinet and Folksongs) alongside Ravel’s exquisite Introduction and Allegro. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Soirée II

Music on Monday Concert - Soirée II

This second Soirée of the season presents tenor Robert Folkes with lutenist Philp Turner performing music by Dowland.  Saxophonist Alistair Penman is joined by pianist Jonathan Pease and Tom Winpenny offers the chance to enjoy the sound of St Mary’s magnificent organ in one of the town’s most beautiful buildings. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Kamus String Quartet

Music on Monday Concert - Kamus String Quartet

This Finnish ensemble return to Luton with the earth shattering Quartet No.8 by Shostakovich, one of the season’s featured composers.  They also present two works from their homeland – a new piece by Lotta Wennäkoski, Flickereth, and the D minor Quartet Voces Intimae by Jean Sibelius. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert - Dominic Alldis Trio

Music on Monday Concert - Dominic Alldis Trio

The Dominic Alldis Trio (piano,bass and drums) explore the meeting point between two worlds: classical music and jazz.  Taking inspiration from Dave Brubeck, Bill Evans and the Modern Jazz Quartet, the trio brings a fresh and contemporary approach to famous themes from classical music and opera. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Music on Monday Concert: Piatti String Quartet & Thomas Luke

Music on Monday Concert: Piatti String Quartet & Thomas Luke

The acclaimed Piatti Quartet are joined in Shostakovich’s epic Piano Quintet by rising British star Thomas Luke.  Shostakovich died in 1975 and is one of our featured anniversary composers this year.  The programme also includes Barber’s haunting Adagio and the lyrical Mendelssohn Quartet in A minor. - Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Men's Curry Night

Men's Curry Night

Join the St Mary's Church men's group for a delicious curry evening!

Date: Tuesday, 25th February Time: 7:00 PM Location: Red Chilli, Wellington Street

A chance to get together as men, have a banter and enjoy good food.
Please SIGN UP so we know how many people to book for.

For more information, please see Clive.

Everyone welcome - pay on the day.

Tuesdays are Banquet nights, so 1 starter, 1 main course, 1 side dish, 1 pilau rice / naan and coffe is £15 (plus drinks / poppadoms)

Please Click Here for the menu

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Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

Join us in prayer for the life of our church. What is Jesus saying to us for 2025?

‘… And Jesus Himself Draw Near.’ - Luke 24:15

TODAY’s Prayers is a video of Anne leading prayers that can be watched whenever you like.

For more information, please email or contact Anne Adams.

Click below for the video.

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Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

Join us in prayer for the life of our church. What is Jesus saying to us for 2025?

‘… And Jesus Himself Draw Near.’ - Luke 24:15

TODAY’s Meeting is at the Church with Deeper Impact, Our Youth Bible Study group.

For more information, please email or contact Anne Adams.

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Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

Join us in prayer for the life of our church. What is Jesus saying to us for 2025?

‘… And Jesus Himself Draw Near.’ - Luke 24:15

TODAY’s Meeting is at the Church during Welcome Wednesday.

For more information, please email or contact Anne Adams.

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Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

Join us in prayer for the life of our church. What is Jesus saying to us for 2025?

‘… And Jesus Himself Draw Near.’ - Luke 24:15

TODAY’s Meeting is on Zoom. To get the zoom link please email or contact Anne Adams.

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Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

Join us in prayer for the life of our church. What is Jesus saying to us for 2025?

‘… And Jesus Himself Draw Near.’ - Luke 24:15

TODAY’s Meeting is on Zoom. To get the zoom link please email or contact Anne Adams.

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Quiz Night

Quiz Night

Join us for a fun and engaging fundraising quiz night to support Peter Hunt’s DTS Program in Australia! Test your knowledge across a variety of topics and compete with friends and family for prizes. There will also be a raffle.

Bring your own snacks and soft drinks will be provided. If you would like an alcoholic drink, please bring it with you.

To sign up please click the button below or let Peter Hunt know you are coming and paying cash on the door.

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Kosmos - Music on Mondays concert

Kosmos - Music on Mondays concert

We end the season with the unique talents of Kosmos. The chief music critic of The Times, Richard Morrison, has described them with these words:

‘..telepathic rapport, dazzling virtuosity, serious scholarship, intellectual curiosity and impeccable musicianship. I defy you not to be mesmerised.’

The members of Kosmos have travelled extensively, performing with musicians all over the world, as well as within the broad multiculturalism of London’s music scene. They have collectively studied music from North Africa, the Middle East, Jewish, Balkan and Gypsy music, Argentine tango, flamenco, Celtic and jazz traditions as well as contemporary classical music. They combine all their knowledge with a respect for their own Western classical music training, performing freely with panache, innovation and creativity, incorporating improvisation into their own unique arrangements and compositions. With such pluralist refinement their approach is an embodiment of cross-cultural fusion and as such will be a perfect final exploration of our season’s theme of The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music.

As the season ends there will be an air of general celebration for another year of remarkable musical achievement. It may well involve mince pies and mulled wine – everyone will be most welcome.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Magnard Ensemble - Music on Mondays concert

Magnard Ensemble - Music on Mondays concert

This much admired wind ensemble return to Luton with a programme particularly featuring Stephen Dodgson’s Promenade No.2. Stephen was for many years associated with Luton Music, generously giving his time to serve as a Vice-president. 2024 is the centenary of his birth and it is an honour to programme this fine piece in his memory. We are most grateful to the Dodgson Charitable Trust for their support with this event.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Solem Quartet in Painted Light - Music on Mondays concert

Solem Quartet in Painted Light - Music on Mondays concert

This programme has been drawn from the repertoire which the Solem Quartet have recently recorded on their latest CD Painted Light. That project broadly explored the idea of ‘colour’ in music. The quartet is perhaps inviting the listener to consider whether for example the intense ‘colours’ of music written at the time of the French Impressionist art movement might well be correlated to that aesthetic. This music by the Boulanger sisters and Debussy make a very convincing case…

As in the Maja Ratkje piece from earlier in the season, Edmund Finnis’s String Quartet Devotions is inspired by Beethoven. In his late Op 132 quartet the third movement was written while the ailing viennese composer was convalescing at Baden after a serious illness in 1824-25. He wrote the slow movement entitled Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit, in der lydischen Tonart as a hymn of thanks to God for his recovery, praising his reawakened life. Edmund Finnis has used this profoundly uplifting movement as the inspiration for Devotions.

As we consider throughout the year’s season The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music, it is fascinating to get a glimpse of how often composers find their inspiration in other works of art. Notwithstanding such glorious synergies, we are as a result then reminded how music still achieves these things in an incontrovertibly unique way. Although its genesis may often be rooted in the world that surrounds it, yet its individuality and power is so very singular.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Light Night

Light Night

We want to celebrate the light of Jesus in a dark world - what better time to do it than on Halloween night, with its focus on death and darkness. 

Come and join us for our LIGHT NIGHT, Thursday 31st October 2024
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm at St Mary's Church hall

We will be celebrating the light of Jesus in a dark world.
There will be activities for the whole family.
We will have hot dogs together (vegan hot dogs / gluten free rolls will be an option) - please let us know your dietary requirements in the notes section of the sign up.

The cost is child ticket £1.50 per person ,Adult ticket £2.00 per person including children aged 3+.
Please sign up every person from your family who is coming.

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Leon McCawley - Music on Mondays concert

Leon McCawley - Music on Mondays concert

It is always a pleasure to welcome Leon McCawley back to Luton Music. We have enjoyed remarkable recitals from him over the last five years and this programme of Romantic piano music promises to be another such memorable occasion.

Although Schumann’s 2nd Piano Sonata is essentially musical in its discourse, it does have a resonance with our season’s theme of The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music in that the slow movement is based on a setting that Schumann had made of a poem by Justinus Kerner – Im Herbste.

Be off with you, O sun,
Hurry away from here!
So that she might be warmed
By only me!

Wither, flowers, O wither!
Hush now, little birds!
That only I might sing to her
And bloom in doing so.

 Woven into the poetically inspired melodic invention of this movement (and indeed in many other places in the work) is the composer’s motto theme for his beloved wife Clara. She was his greatest muse and this is another of his works that bears testimony to his unswerving devotion to her.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Symphonia Academica

Symphonia Academica

Beethoven Sonata for violin and piano in G major Op30 No3

Faure Sonata for violin and piano No1 in A major

Peter Bussereau- violin

Yukiko Osedo piano

A one-hour concert followed by tea and biscuits

Retiring collection

For further details email:

Follow us on Facebook

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BLISS with Joanna David - Music on Mondays concert

BLISS with Joanna David - Music on Mondays concert

This programme was prompted by the theme of this current season, The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music. In the early 80s I was commissioned to write a score for The Royal Ballet of New Zealand. The work was to be based on a short story by the New Zealand writer Katherine Mansfield. Before sending the score off to be choreographed on the other side of the world, I was anxious to check that musically everything was in order, so I organised a concert in London to try out the music.

This was the first professional concert I had curated and played in and it is nostalgic for me to re-visit it some 40 years later. The concert opens with a Mozart sonata that I was studying at the time with my teachers, Irene Kohler and James Gibb. The short story, Bliss, is then read aloud by Joanna David. It was Joanna who read it for that first concert all those years ago and it is such a pleasure now to welcome her back to Luton. After the interval we will then hear how the music for this score has interpreted the narrative of Bliss. It is scored for clarinet, string trio, double bass and piano. For the concert I have invited performers all of whom I have met over the many happy years I have spent helping to organise concerts here in the town. It has been such an interesting project for me to look again at the music after 40 years and to work on preparing it with such fine musicians and friends. I hope you too will all enjoy this special evening.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Men's Activity Weekend
to 13 Oct

Men's Activity Weekend

  • 48 Bath Lane Swadlincote, England, DE12 6BD United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are doing another St Mary's Men (and friends) walking weekend!

Friday 11th - Sunday 13th October 2024
@ YHA National Forest in Swadlincote, Derbyshire

The cost is £105. This includes two nights’ accommodation and all your food from dinner on Friday night to breakfast on Sunday morning.

Travel is not included, but there may be opportunity to car share with others going up. (It usuall works out)

For more information or if you have questions, please speak to Jason Hunt, Steve Hudson, Paul Connelly or Andy Fisher. 

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Ben Goldscheider & Heath Quartet- Music on Mondays concert

Ben Goldscheider & Heath Quartet- Music on Mondays concert

Ben Goldscheider

It is always a pleasure to welcome Ben Goldscheider back to Luton. He has been playing for us since 2015 and it has been so exciting to witness his remarkable success over the last ten years. He returns on this occasion with one of the country’s finest chamber ensembles, the Heath Quartet, playing Mozart’s ever popular Horn Quintet written for the composer’s great friend, the cheesemonger Joseph Leutgeb.

Heath Quartet

If we are searching for connections with our season’s theme of The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music, then perhaps Eleanor Alberga’s The Shining Gate of Morpheus will have the richest resonance. It is one of a series of nocturnal chamber pieces that this Jamaica-born composer began some 20 years ago. She enjoyed a period as music director of the London Contemporary Dance Theatre and there is no doubting the influence of wider artistic synergy in her compositions – dance works, theatre pieces, song settings and other programmatic works inspired by literature.

The concert ends with York Bowen’s sweeping essay in full blown Romantic chamber music. Arguably out of kilter with his time, Bowen was an unapologetic Romantic; with the benefit of historical perspective it is perhaps easier for us today to respond to his full blown chromatic harmony and overtly dramatic style – we no longer need to make allowance for any such harmless retrospective tendencies.

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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Delphine Trio - Music on Mondays concert

Delphine Trio - Music on Mondays concert

The Delphine Trio played for us here in Luton for the first time in May last year and it was immediately clear that the audience would be delighted if they were to return. So here they are in a programme that neatly engages with our season’s theme of The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music.

The Ireland trio is a fascinating work evolving in three incarnations over a number of years. There is no direct association with specific literature but the composer’s love of the written word (the fantasies of Arthur Machen and the Satyricon of Petronius, for example) was always an indirect influence on his musical aesthetic. Per Nørgård’s Spell explores a gentle play on words, suggesting how the letters of the notes are spelled out into the shapes that cast the magical spell of the music – the alchemy of the language itself.

The Beethoven trio is sometimes known as the Gassenhauer Trio. This arose from its third movement which contains nine variations on a theme from Joseph Weigl’s then popular L’amor marinaro ossia Il corsaro. The melody, Pria ch’io l’impegno (Before I go to work), was so popular it could be heard in many of Vienna’s lanes (Gasse in German). A Gassenhauer therefore usually denotes a simple tune that many people (in the Gassen) have taken up, whistling and singing it as they go about their lives.

Daniel Schnyder’s A Friday Night in August is a splendidly atmospheric piece, synergising the metropolitan vibe of 90s Manhattan echoing to the open-air sounds of the Caribbean. Meanwhile the Juon which closes the concert is a straightforward portrait of nymphs and satyrs taken from the pages of Classical mythology. I hope you’ll enjoy this wonderfully varied programmatic feast!

Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

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