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Postponed - Men's Breakfast

  • St Mary's Church Church Street Luton, LU1 3JF England (map)

Update: This event has been postponed due to current COVID situation. We hope to reschedule for February.

Men's Saturday Morning Breakfast back on the menu.

When: Saturday 15th January for 8.30am.

Where: C.J. Cafe Bushmead LU2 7SF

Cost: £6.50p to include full English Breakfast

Who can come? Any Men of St Mary's, young and not so young and why not invite a friend?

Details: Event lasts approximately for one hour and includes time for a speaker.

Payment by card on the day

Please confirm attendance via Churchsuite (or direct to Clive Barrett) as soon as possible so we can confirm numbers to the cafe.

25 December

Christmas Day All Age Holy Communion

26 January

Half Night of Worship