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Cancelled: New Wine: United 20


Why not attend the online version of New Wine and see what it is all about? More information at:


Unfortunately New Wine: United 20 has had to be cancelled. See the New Wine Website for more information.

Saturday, July 25th 2020 - 9:00am to Friday, July 31st 2020 - 11:00pm

Camp, caravan or stay off-site - there are lots of options.  Some of our highlights include: worshipping with 6000 others, hearing inspiring and challenging teaching, excellent children's work, seeing people healed, sharing food and community as God's family.

For more information see the New Wine Website

Want to see what it’s all about? To book, or for more information on availability and prices, click below.

31 May

Pentecost Praise 2020 - Cancelled

26 July

Postponed: Launch of Tree of Hope