Manor Park - Detached Youth work

If you’re reading this you will have met us through some Detached Youth Work either at Manor Road Park or elsewhere around Luton town centre. This project is a partnership between Youthscape and St Mary’s Church with support from the Youth Partnership Service. The aim is to provide youth work support for young people through conversation, sport, and informing about other youth work programmes we offer.

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St Mary’s Church Luton

St Mary’s Youth Ministry aim to support youth from various backgrounds in Luton, to feel confident in their identity and beliefs while living well together. As a ministry formed over half a century ago, they have helped thousands of young people to develop holistically and spiritually.

Key sessions:

·       Impact Youth Group @ St Mary’s Church, in the Underground on Thursdays from 5 pm - 7 pm. This is a safe, drop-in-style youth group that explores various aspects of life through guided discussion. This involves 30 minutes of hanging out, 1 hour of activities and 30 minutes of guided discussion. We also eat together once a fortnight.

·       Sunday youth @ St Mary’s Church, in the Underground during the 10.30am church service. In this group we look at various topics and areas of life through the scope of the Bible. We look at what it says on how to live, as well as helping each other grow our faith in God.



Youthscape aims to improve the lives of young people in Luton and beyond. They work directly with teens, developing new ways to support them, particularly those facing difficult challenges. The organisation partners with schools, runs events, and creates resources that can be used across the UK. Their primary goal is to foster positive growth in teenagers, enhancing their prospects and contributing to the betterment of communities, both in Luton and nationwide.

Key sessions:

·       Bute Mills Youth Group (Years 7 & 8) @ Youthscape (Bute Mills) every Monday at 4pm – 6pm.

·       Drop In (Years 9 – 13) @ Youthscape (Bute Mills) every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 3.30pm – 6pm.

These are safe spaces for young people to hang out after school in our well-equipped youth centre. Relax on the sofas and beanbags, play on the PS5s and iMac computers (or do homework), challenge each other to a game of pool, use the free wifi, chat to youth workers, and receive a free hot meal. Drop in at any time our doors are open - you don’t need to sign up beforehand - and bring your mates!

Youth Partnership Service

The Youth Partnership Service is committed to supporting young people of all ages, and their dedicated Young People’s Zone is the perfect place for 10+ aged youth to find the support and guidance they need.

Key sessions:

·       Open Door Cooking Club @ Central Baptist Church on Mondays at 3:30-5:30pm

·       Raynham Youth Club @ Raynham Way Community Centre on Tuesdays at 5:30-7pm

·       Youth Drop-In @ Tokko Youth Centre on Wednesdays at 5-7pm